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The information within is general and should not be relied upon for any particular matter. Laws are constantly changing. Legislatures pass new laws and amend existing ones, appellate courts interpret and reinterpret laws, and court rules are routinely revisited and revised. Although we strive to keep our website updated on important changes, the materials you encounter may not reflect the current state of the law as it affects your particular case. You should check for changes to current law and consult with a qualified attorney on any legal issue. The dissemination of this information does not create an attorney/client relationship and is not a confidential nor privileged communication. No visit, e-mail communication or other interaction with this web site whatsoever, constitutes an attorney-client relationship unless formally obtained with the attorney by a mutual agreement. If you communicate with us through this website regarding a matter for which our firm DOES NOT ALREADY REPRESENT YOU, your communication may NOT be treated as privileged or confidential, and shall NOT be deemed to create an attorney/client relationship.

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